Thursday, January 1, 2009

Looking back, looking forward...

Happy New Year to all!
As I write, the trucks are rolling behind our compound even on Jan. 1st to bring sand for the building of Niamey's 2nd bridge - a massive project that should take about 2 or 3 years. It will be a welcome change for Niamey's growing population.

On a smaller scale, we have some family projects that are on going and a few will begin this year. Lilian, the kids and I enjoyed the last week of 2008 here in Niamey. It was a good time of rest and family time. We have so much to be thankful for. Last year for Christmas and the New Year, we were our family in the States, and this summer we were our family in Switzerland. It was a busy year again with work, school, and doctoral studies. After lunch we took time to share a few goals for this year and pray for them. We are aware of our frailties, but we count on God's strength and wisdom to accomplish his will.

God's blessings for 2009!

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