
What is this blog about?
From life to texts and from texts to life. Whether we're reading our favorite author or listening to a best-loved band, their texts often evoke life's experiences raising up all sorts of emotions within us and sometimes leaving us speechless. Texts draw us into the world of the real and the imaginary using an amazing variety of narrative devices. Narratives inspire us to live in light of their values and to write our own stories. Full circle.

This blog explores this reciprocal influence between life and texts. In particular, my reflections -- and those of my guests -- concentrate on biblical studies, historiography, and narratology. Luke-Acts plays an important part in my research, so there is a good bit of that as well. Additional posts and videos explore life in Switzerland from an adopted son's point of view (i.e. as a naturalised citizen).

Who runs the blog?
My name is James Maurice Morgan. I grew up in Fairfax, Virginia (USA) and have been travelling since 1988, especially back and forth from the USA, Niger, Italy, Belgium and Switzerland. We now live in the canton of Fribourg in Switzerland. After many years of part-time studies (during missionary service), I finished my doctorate in New Testament studies in 2010 (ETF in Leuven, Belgium). I teach New Testament, exegesis and Greek at the HET-PRO and at the Université de Fribourg. Of course, my views do not necessarily represent those of these schools nor the institutions inviting me to speak.
Professional experience
  • 2013 - present: Lecturer of biblical Greek, Faculté de théologie à l’Université de Fribourg
  • 2013 - present: professor of New Testament, Haute école de théologie (HET-PRO); formerly Institut biblique et missionnaire Emmaüs (St-Légier, Switzerland)
  • 2013 - 2017: Regional leader Fribourg, Vereinigte Bibelgruppen (VBG)
  • 2012 - 2015: Regional leader, Groupes bibliques universitaires (GBU) à l’Université de Fribourg.
  • 2012 – 2013: Collaborateur administratif du Prof. Luc Devillers, département Etudes bibliques à l’Université de Fribourg.
  • 2006 - 2012: Chair of New Testament, École supérieure privée de théologie ("ESPriT", Niamey, Niger); Directeur of the Foyer Évangélique Universitaire (SIM)
  • 1998 - 2006: Lecturer of biblical languages, Istituto Biblico Evangelico Italiano (Rome, Italy)
  • 1995 - 1997: Teacher and coordinator, Christian Education department,  Centre biblique de Niamey (SIM, Niger)
  • 1994 - 1995: Pastoral internship, Église évangélique à Estavayer-le-Lac (Suisse).
  • 1988 - 1990: Missionary intern in Niamey, Niger and Rome, Italy (SIM).
