9:00-12:00 - encouraging meeting with the HET-Pro team in St-Légier...things are moving forward!!!
12:30-16:15 - probably still deep in thought and distracted, I filled car tank with wrong gas in Bulle (regular instead of diesel)...then got the tank emptied and the fuel line cleaned by the wonderful "Garage Kolly" in Le Mouret (wow, the engine still works!)
16:30-18:00 - ...finally arriving home in Tentlingen...understandably not too pleased with myself...I started translating a letter destined for Pope Francis (German to English) for friends promoting women's participation in the life of the Church (a worthy cause!)
19:00-21:00 - spent a great evening with the VBG-Group in Fribourg, teaching how to read the Bible like in the early church (together, reading through an entire book and aloud).
Moral: even if you do something dumb (and expensive) during the day (like the second event above), you can still accomplish something useful. Don't give up...the grace of God is greater than our sin and failures!