Thursday, August 2, 2012

Another transition…from Niger to Switzerland!

Cutting the ribbon at the inauguration of the FEU building

The time has finally come to enter another phase of transition moving from Niger to Switzerland. Our six years of ministry there came to an end on June 17, 2012. We thank God for the opportunity to have served in the Student Outreach Center and at ESPriT seminary.
We decided to come back to Switzerland for our children’s education. Lilian and I have been in missionary service since 1991; thus, it is also a good time to be closer to our families (although visiting our family and friends in Virginia requires a little more organization). This does not mean that we will never return to Niger. It just means that it is a transition and an opportunity to serve in new places. God will show us in the future whether it is opportune to return to Africa.

We'll write more about what we are doing in Switzerland in the next posts...

Thank you for your prayers and support!
